We offer this information in a spirit of helpfulness. It may change and we cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy at any point in time.
National Rail
National Rail Enquiries: 03457 48 49 50
The National Rail website (www.nationalrail.co.uk) provides a wealth of information, including changes to train times up to 12 weeks in advance and live departure boards showing current cancellations and delays.
Train operating companies
Contact individual train operating companies for questions and complaints about trains, timetables, fares etc.
Govia Thameslink Railway (Southern)
Southern Customer Services
PO BOX 3021
Tel: 034531 27 29 20
E'mail: comments@southernrailway.com
Twitter: @SouthernRailUK
Website: www.southernrailway.com
South Western Railway
Customer Service Centre
South Western Railway
Overline House
SO15 1GW.
Tel: 0345 6000 650
E'mail: (Website contact form)
Twitter: @SW_Railway (Customer service) @SW_Help
Website: www.southwesternrailway.com
CrossCountry Trains Limited
Customer Relations Manager
Cross Country, Cannon House
18 The Priory Queensway
B4 6BS
Tel: 03447 369 123
E’mail: customer.relations@crosscountrytrains.co.uk
Twitter: @CrossCountryUK
Website: www.crosscountrytrains.co.uk
Great Western Railway
Tel: 0345 7000 125
E’mail: (Website contact form)
Twitter: @GWRHelp
Website: www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk
Transport Focus
You should make complaints to the relevant train operating company in the first instance. If you are not satisfied with the response, contact Transport Focus:
Transport Focus
Fleetbank House
2-6 Salisbury Square
Helpline: 0300 123 0860
E’mail: (Website contact form)
Twitter: @transportfocus
Website: www.transportfocus.org.uk
Network Rail
To raise matters about the railway infrastructure, including track, signalling and the major London terminal stations like Waterloo, contact Network Rail. Note that most other stations are managed by the individual train operating companies.
Network Rail
1 Eversholt Street
Switchboard: 020 7557 8000
National Helpline for emergencies: 03457 11 41 41
There is an on-line general enquiries form on the Network Rail website
Twitter: @networkrail
Website: www.networkrail.co.uk
The House of Commons' Transport Committee
The Committee conducts inquiries, which include public consultation, and produces reports. Details of their current activities can be found at: www.parliament.uk/parliamentary_committees/transport_committee.cfm
Transport Committee
House of Commons
Tel: 020 7219 3266
Twitter: @CommonsTrans
E’mail: transcom@parliament.uk
The Department for Transport / MPs
You can write to DfT about transport policy, but it is preferable to write to your MP. They can receive a response from DfT which is normally signed off by a transport Minister. If you do not know the address of your MP’s constituency office, you can write to them at House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.
The Department conducts many consultations on transport issues, including re-franchising, and details are on line.
The Department for Transport
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road
London SW1P 4DR
Switchboard: 0300 330 3000
Twitter: @transportgov.uk
There is an on-line enquiry form on the DfT website
Website: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-transport
Rail Accident Investigation Branch
The RAIB has a role to satisfy the general public, railway users, and the railway industry that rail accidents are being properly investigated in an efficient and timely manner. Updates are provided on their website.
Rail Accident Investigation Branch
Cullen House
Berkshire Copse Road
GU11 2HP
Tel: 01932 440000
E’mail: enquiries@raib.gov.uk
Website: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/rail-accident-investigation-branch
Sharing your knowledge with other rail users
Radio Solent
If you know of current train delays, contact Radio Solent.
Tel: 023 8063 1311
Twitter: @BBCRadioSolent
Website: www.bbc.co.uk/radiosolent
National Newspapers
National newspapers are very constrained by space, and are likely to print only letters relating to published articles or about matters of policy, principle or major concern.
In addition, it is helpful to advise papers and magazines when they publish articles which appear to be based on misconceptions or misleading press releases from the rail industry.
Contact details are available in the relevant publications and on their websites.
Local and regional newspapers
Local and regional newspapers generally take an interest in rail issues relevant to their circulation area, or in contrasts between what happens locally and what happens elsewhere.
The Evening Standard, a free newspaper catering for the London area, has a substantial interest in commuting issues.
Some contact details are below:
Southern Daily Echo
Southern Daily Echo
Newspaper House
Test Lane
SO16 9JX
Newsdesk tel: 023 8042 4520/4522
E’mail: letters@dailyecho.co.uk
Portsmouth News
The Portsmouth News
The News Centre
North Harbour, Western Road
Newsdesk tel: 023.9262 2118
E'mail: letters@thenews.co.uk
Evening Standard
The Editor
Evening Standard
PO Box 2309
W8 5EE
E'mail: esviews@standard.co.uk
Twitter: @esviews
The Advertising Standards Authority
The ASA is the statutory body responsible for protecting consumers against misleading advertisements. The South Hampshire Rail Users’ Group made a successful complaint against South West Trains' misrepresentation of its franchise commitments. Their address is:
The Advertising Standards Authority Ltd
Mid City Place
71 High Holborn
Tel: 020 7492 2222
E'mail: (Website complaints form)
Website: www.asa.org.uk
The Campaign for Better Transport
The Campaign for Better Transport is a leading transport Non-Government Organisation. Its compelling ideas, arguments and campaigns have won the support of national decision makers and local activists, enabling them to secure transport policies and programmes to improve people's lives and reduce environmental impact.
The Campaign for Better Transport
16 Waterside
44-48 Wharf Road
N1 7UX
Tel: 020 7566 6480
Twitter: @CBTransport
Website: bettertransport.org.uk